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Get a BNB Smart Chain wallet address
To receive and store your Jimizz, you will need a BSC blockchain address.
This is the address where you can find your Jimizz after the initial distribution.
There are many wallets from which you can obtain an address and then interact with blockchain smart contracts (e.g. to deposit your Jimizz in a liquidty pool, or send Jimizz to X-savings when you set it up).
Metamask (desktop and mobile) and Trust Wallet (mobile only) are the most commonly used wallets.
Articles in this section
- Connect Metamask to BNB Smart Chain
- Finding out your BNB Smart Chain wallet address with Metamask
- I can't see Jimizz in my wallet, what can I do?
- Finding out your BNB Smart Chain wallet address with TrustWallet
- Buying from Trust Wallet
- Installing MetaMask
- Keeping your seed phrase secure
- Installing Trust Wallet